Virtual reality prosthetics

Virtual reality prosthetics

Children looking at body

SIoE project team

Andy Bullough, Joelle Halliday, Judith Higginson, Mark Barton

Project date


The Empathy Machine

This exciting project, funded by the Wellcome Trust, was designed to engage the public with emerging technologies and cutting-edge multi-disciplinary research linking Biomedical Science, Psychology, Physiotherapy and Virtual Reality.

Find out more about the project on the VR Prosthetics website.

Our SIoE knowledge exchange team has worked on the project with colleagues across Sheffield Hallam University as part of a large, cross-disciplinary research collaboration. We have created interactive and VR resources which enable the public to improve their understanding of joint physiology and how our brains control movements, even when using prosthetic limbs, stimulating debate about limb loss versus views of ‘normality’.

We designed and developed curriculum-based activities with local schools including UTC1 and UTC2 Sheffield, and through local and national pop-up exhibitions to target new audiences, building interest in how the body works, how our brains control our movements and the lived experience of people with limb loss.


Wellcome Trust

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