Work with us to drive up standards

Work with us to drive up standards

Working with us is your chance to draw on outstanding resources and benefit from cutting-edge research to inform and advance your education practices and policies.

The education sector is going through a time of extensive reforms and curriculum development. Our staff are experts across the sector, so we fully understand the challenges you face and the drive towards improvement sought by schools and other education providers.

We can help you understand and respond to policy developments, and shape and implement key changes and new practices. We can also collaborate on research into the impact of policies.

We can offer you support in

  • access to knowledge, expertise and consultancy
  • research and evaluation
  • policy formation
  • curriculum development and innovation
  • teaching resources
  • continuing professional development, including bespoke programmes to address your specific school's objectives
  • talent recruitment - teacher training and placement opportunities across the sector
  • programmes and initiatives, such as improving parental engagement

We work with

  • schools
  • early years settings such as nurseries
  • local authorities like social services and education departments
  • government agencies including Ofsted, the National College for Teaching and Leadership and the Department for Education

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