

Waddington Nick Studio Manager
Wain Ms Heather Head of Academic Development, Department of Teacher Education
Wainwright Dr Jonathan Principal Lecturer
Wakefield Susan Head of Department Nursing and Midwifery
Wakeford Holder Dr Anna Senior Lecturer in Architecture
Walker Anthony Senior Lecturer
Walker John Senior Lecturer
Walker Patrick Senior Lecturer
Wall Claire Senior Lecturer in Nutrition
Wang Doctor Jing Lecturer
Wang Dr Yuan Senior Lecturer in Economics
Wang Dr Ziqing (Vicky) Lecturer in Economics
Wang-Cowham Dr Cindy
Ward Dr Katie Senior Lecturer In Psychology
Ward Sarah Research and Innovation Officer
Warren Kathryn Senior Lecturer In Advanced Practice
Waterhouse Jennifer Senior Lecturer in Law, Course Leader, LLM in Legal Professional Practice
Watkinson Richard
Watson Aileen Senior Lecturer in Criminology
Watson Mr Andrew Senior Research Fellow
Watts Jo Senior Lecturer
Watts Dr Jo Senior Lecturer and Principle of Responsible Management Academic Lead
Waudby Carolyn Senior Lecturer
Webb Dr Jonathan Principal Research Fellow
Webb Neil Senior Lecturer in Sound Design
Webster Joanne Senior Lecturer
Wells Alison Group Director of Student and Academic Services
Wells Professor Peter Professor of Public Policy Analysis and Evaluation
West Dr Amanda Head of the Academy of Sport and Physical Activity
West Richard Lecturer in mental health nursing
Westaby Dr Chalen Senior Lecturer In Law
Westerman Julie Senior Lecturer
Weston Dr Peter Senior Lecturer
Westwood Caroline Senior Lecturer
Whalley Dr Peter Senior Lecturer - Tourism Management
Wheat Professor Jon Associate Dean, Research and Innovation, College of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences
Wheeler Gemma Design Researcher
White Abigail Senior Lecturer
White Dr Nick Senior Lecturer In Adult Nursing
White Rebecca Graduate Teaching Assistant - Politics and Sociology
White Reader in Human Geography Richard Reader in Human Geography
Whitehead Jennifer
Whitehead Dr Kirsten Associate Lecturer
Whitehead Dr Louise Course Leader, BA (Hons) Social Work
Whiteside Ian
Whiteside Pamela Senior Lecturer
Whitfield Dr Kate Senior Lecturer in Forensic Psychology
Wichert Patrick Deputy Head Postgraduate and Fine Art
Wigelsworth Dr Amy Senior Lecturer
Wigfield Professor Andrea Director of Centre for Loneliness Studies
Wigginton Professor Chris Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global and Academic Partnerships)
Wigman Stefanie Senior Lecturer In Psychology
Wilcockson Dr Holly Research Associate
Wild Sarah Research Institute Manager
Wilde Matt Senior Lecturer - Public Health Nursing
Wilding Dr Martin Post-doctoral research associate
Willett Rebecca Senior Lecturer and Course Leader in Journalism, PR with Media
Williams Luke Lecturer in Sport Business Management
Williams Sarah Senior Lecturer
Willis Ben Research Fellow
Willox Matt
Wilmot Natalie Senior Lecturer
Wilson Andrew Principal Lecturer
Wilson Christopher Senior Lecturer
Wilson Dr Darryl College Postgraduate Recruitment Lead, Principal Lecturer Sport Business Management
Wilson David Course Leader in Creative Media
Wilson Ian CRESR Deputy Director and Professor of Policy Research and Evaluation
Wilson Josie Principal Lecturer
Wilson Professor Keith Research Professor of Sculpture
Wilson Kelly Head of Area: Policing and Probation, Principal Lecturer
Wilson Libby Chief Operating Officer
Wilson Linda Placement Tutor
Wilson Micah Senior lecturer in Building Surveying
Wilson Dr Richard Senior Lecturer
Win Dr. Sandar Deputy Head of Department
Winfield Joanne Senior Lecturer
Winwood Bridget Principal Lecturer
Witherley Dawn Research Culture Manager
Witherstone Dr Hannah Senior Lecturer in Developmental Psychology
Wolstenholme Dr Claire Research Fellow
Wolstenholme Dr Rosalind Senior Lecturer In Analytical Science
Wood Jonathan Senior Lecturer in Graphic Design
Woodason Dr Dan Course Leader and Senior Lecturer
Woodcock Rachael
Woodhead Dr Roy Senior Lecturer in Digital Innovation
Woodhouse Dr Donna Senior Lecturer
Woodhouse Dr Drew Senior Lecturer in Economics
Woodroofe Professor Emerita Nicola Professor Emerita
Woods John Senior Lecturer
Woolley Mrs Lisa Lecturer in Law
Woolsey Dr Ian Senior Lecturer In Sociology
Wren Dr David
Wren John Senior Lecturer
Wrigglesworth John Principal Lecturer
Wright Jane Research Institute Manager
Wright Ron Senior Lecturer in Sound
Wulfert Dr Florian Senior Lecturer
Wyton Dr Paul

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