

Fair Frankie Lecturer in Midwifery/Research Midwife
Fairley Beatrice Senior Lecturer
Fauset Dan Senior Lecturer in Law and Criminology
Fearn Adrian Principal Lecturer - Partnership Lead for Teacher Education
Fearon Jane Senior Lecturer
Featherstone Dr Mark Student Experience Lead
Fegan Colette Principal Lecturer
Fenwick Dr James Associate Professor
Ferguson Beverly Senior Lecturer
Fernandes Caren Lecturer
Fernando Dr Ruwani Lecturer in Criminology
Ferrari Professor Ed Director of CRESR
Feteira Prof Antonio Professor
Fielden Dr Iain Research Consultant
Fildes Dr Keith Research Development Manager (Policy and Performance)
Fisher Mark Course Leader
Fitzgerald Chris Lecturer
Fleming Dr Katarzyna Senior Lecturer
Fleming Doctor Leigh Deputy Head of Department — Engineering and Mathematics
Fleming Reuben Senior Lecturer
Fletcher Professor Del Professor of Labour Market Studies
Fletcher Keeley Senior Lecturer In Law
Fletcher Neil Senior Lecturer
Forbes Dr Sarah Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences
Ford Lee Senior Lecturer in Graphic Design
Formby Professor Eleanor Professor of Sociology and Youth Studies
Foster Dr. Leon Researcher
Fothergill Professor Steve Professor
Foulkes Angela Member of the Academic Assurance Committee
Foulkes Denise Senior Lecturer
Fowler Mr. Andrew Senior Lecturer in Criminology
Fowler-Davis Dr Sally Associate Professor Organisation in Health and Care
France Aimee AHP Degree Apprenticeship Portfolio Lead
Francese Professor Simona Professor of Forensic and Bioanalytical Mass Spectrometry
Frankland Sharon Senior Lecturer
Fraser Dr Douglas Senior Lecturer in Environmental Sciences
Freeman Dr Elizabeth Lecturer In Psychology
Freeman Sally Lead Link Lecturer
Frith Miss Gabbi Researcher
Froggatt Chloe Doctoral Researcher and Graduate Teaching Assistant
Furness Dr Penny Senior Lecturer in Psychology

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