External requests for personal data (police and other agencies)

External requests for personal data (police and other agencies)

Sheffield Hallam University is committed to complying with data protection legislation and takes all reasonable steps to ensure that its processing of personal data is fair, lawful, and compliant.  Students and staff have an expectation that the University will protect their personal data.  Information on how the University handles personal data is provided through its privacy notices.

The University recognises that there will be situations in which the police, or other agencies, will need access to the personal data of a member of staff or student. The University will take appropriate steps to facilitate the effective, timely and appropriate sharing of personal data, whilst upholding the data protection rights of individual data subjects. The University is aware of and follows the Information Commissioner’s Office guidance on Sharing personal data with law enforcement authorities.

The UK GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018 do not prevent the University from sharing personal data with law enforcement authorities or other agencies.  However, information about individuals cannot be shared without their consent unless:

  • An alternative lawful basis has been identified
  • An exemption provided by the Data Protection Act 2018 applies

All requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis and any data sharing will be necessary and proportionate. If your request is very broad, you may be asked to clarify the information you need. Any information disclosed will be limited to what is adequate, relevant and necessary.

How to contact the University when requesting personal data

The University expects that requests for personal data will be submitted on a signed and countersigned form including:

  • The name, contact details and organisation of the requester
  • Sufficient information about the data subject to enable the University to be satisfied that any information provided is about the correct individual
  • A clear explanation of the specific information required
  • The purpose of the request
  • The relevant exemption provided by the Data Protection Act 2018: e.g., Schedule 2, Part 1, Paragraph 2 ‘Crime and taxation: general’ and/or the statutory powers under which the request is being made.

If your organisation does not have a standard personal data request form, please submit your request using this form: External request for access to personal data (PDF, 101.1KB)

Requests for student personal data must be sent by email to studentdataprotection@shu.ac.uk. Requests for staff personal data must be sent by email to hradmin@shu.ac.uk.

If you are unsure where to send your request, please contact the University’s Information Governance team: dpo@shu.ac.uk.

Please be aware that University administration works standard office hours Monday to Friday and your email will be responded to as soon as possible.

In most cases, if you contact the University by telephone, or attend in person, staff will ask that you submit your request in writing. This ensures that the University has a record of the request and any information provided.

Urgent requests

We recognise that in some circumstances information about an individual is required urgently.

If you contact the University by telephone or in person because you require personal data in a situation where there is a potential risk to life, please state this clearly. The member of staff you speak to may ask you for your contact details or to wait whilst they seek advice from the University’s Information Governance team.

Outside working hours critical phone calls can be made to Security: 0114 225 2000

If you are a friend or relative who believes a student or staff member may be at risk, please contact the police or other emergency services in the first instance. Further information on what the University can share with family and friends is available in the Notice to parents.

Further information

Individuals or data subjects can give signed written consent for the University to disclose information. However, we must be satisfied that consent was freely given by the data subject. 

Individuals may also request copies of their own personal data by submitting a Subject Access Request. Information on Subject Access Requests is available here: Sheffield Hallam University: Subject Access Requests.