Sheffield Hallam - a smokefree campus

Sheffield Hallam - a smokefree campus

Sheffield Hallam University has committed to becoming a smoke free university from 1 September 2019. A new "No Smoking" policy will come into force on that date to improve the wellbeing of our staff, students, and visitors to pave the way for Hallam to be become one of the first universities in the country to become smoke free.

As part of our commitment to enabling healthier lives and for the wellbeing of our staff and students, smoking or vaping will not be permitted anywhere on campus or next to University building entrances. We want to work towards cleaner air around campus and prevent the normalisation of smoking for younger people.

We have consulted about introducing this policy and it has been hugely welcomed by staff and students. The new policy is designed to protect everyone on campus from the effects of passive smoke inhalation and create a more pleasant environment.

Smoking is the biggest killer in Sheffield - one in two life-time tobacco users die from it and, on average, 16 people die every week. It’s an addiction which begins when people are young and every day 5 children in Sheffield begin smoking.

Download our no smoking policy (PDF, 31.9KB)