- About this website /
- Freedom of information /
- Our policies and procedures
Our policies and procedures
Policies and procedures for conducting University business
The standing orders and code of practice for the operations of the Board of Governors, Academic Board and related committees are available from the Governance section of our website.
The following policies, plans, and briefings are available via the legal information section of our website
- Anti-Bribery Policy
- Anti-Corruption Policy
- Fraud and Corruption Response Plan
- Briefing for Associates on the UK Bribery Act 2010
- Access and participation plan 2025–26 to 2028–29 (PDF, 2.5MB) (PDF, 2.5MB)
- Summary of access and participation plan 2025–26 to 2028–29 (PDF, 145.2KB) (PDF, 158.1KB)
- Student Protection Plan (PDF, 219.7KB)
Procedures and policies relating to academic services
For information on academic quality and standards, please visit the quality and standards section of our website. This includes copies of policies and guidance relating to academic services and academic quality and standards. There is a full A-Z listing of the contents for your information.
Our student Terms and Conditions (the University's contract with students) can be found in the legal section of our website.
Academic regulations and student policies are available here. These include information relating to
- appeals and complaints
- assessment and awards
- examinations and coursework
- results and progression
- research degrees
- student misconduct
- student illness and difficult circumstances
- personal data
- information and IT
- health and safety
The University's research ethics policies and procedures are available on our website.
Procedures and policies relating to student services
Our student Terms and Conditions (the University's contract with students) can be found here.
The Student Charter summarises the mutual expectations, entitlements and responsibilities which are shared by Sheffield Hallam University students, the University and the Students' Union.
Academic regulations and student policies are available here.
Further procedures, policies and guidance relating to students available from the Information Governance Team by email dpo@shu.ac.uk
- Students Union: Code of Practice
- Summer Schools
- Meningococcal and other communicable diseases
- Procedure for responding to student death
- Supporting 16-18 year old students
- Dealing with hate crimes and intolerance
The Accommodation Office provides information about student accommodation available, together with the fees for this accommodation, and relevant contracts. There is also information about the Universities UK Code of Standards for accommodation to which the University adheres. For further information please visit the accommodation section of our website.
Procedures and policies relating to human resources
All human resources policies and procedures are available including
- Sickness absence
- Appraisal
- Adoption Policy
- Code of Behaviour
- Confidentiality
- Dignity at work
- Disciplinary procedures
- Misuse of drugs, alcohol and other substances
- Employee support and leave provisions
- Flexible working
- Grievance procedures
- Intellectual property rights (PDF, 762KB)
- Statement on adoption of spinout review best practices (PDF, 126.9KB) - No-smoking policy
- Notice periods
- Pay and pensions
- Problem Resolution Framework
- Promotion, Regrading and Progression
- Speak Out (Whistleblowing) Policy (PDF, 232.7KB)
- Social Media
- Staff Development
- Trade Unions
- Travel Policy
For a copy of any of our HR policies or procedures please contact the Information Governance team by email at dpo@shu.ac.uk
Pay policy statement
The University's pay policy statement is as follows
'Sheffield Hallam University is committed to the principle of equal pay for work of equal value for all its employees. We recognise that equal pay is a legal right under both domestic and European law, regardless of contractual status, age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. The University believes that operating a fair, transparent and objective pay system sends a positive message to its employees and stakeholders, and is fundamental to sustaining organisational reputation, well-being and success.'
In support of these aims, the University uses a job evaluation system (HERA for staff on Grades 2 - 10; HAY for senior staff) to assign jobs to grades, which determines salary levels. Alongside other pay policies and procedures, this enables the University to demonstrate that any differential in pay is justified due to levels of responsibility, experience, skills and qualifications, performance or length of service. The University is committed to working in partnership with the recognised trade unions to consider appropriate measures to tackle any unfair, unjust or unlawful practices that are identified.
Procedures and policies relating to recruitment
Copies of policies and procedures relating to the recruitment of staff are available from the Information and Governance team by email at dpo@shu.ac.uk
Code of Conduct for members of governing bodies
The Governance Code: Responsibilities, Rights and Code of Conduct of Members of The Board of Governors is available in the governance section of our website.
Equality and Diversity policies
The University's Equality Priorities, Equality Information, schemes, reports and policies are available in the equality and diversity section of our website. Please note that the Equality Schemes and Reports have now been replaced by as set of Corporate Equality Priorities however we have retained the Equality Schemes and Reports on our website as historical information.
Health and Safety
The University's Health, Safety and Welfare Policy is available from the Information Governance team by email at dpo@shu.ac.uk.
Estate management
See the Enhancing our Estate section of the Corporate Plan. The University's Corporate Plan for 2008–13 can be downloaded. This document provides the context for the strategic development of the University.
Please note that a new corporate plan is currently under development.
Information about estates development, completed projects, and estates guidelines.
The sustainability section of our website includes sustainability policies and reports.
Complaints policy
The Freedom of Information Complaints Policy/Procedure is available here.
Academic regulations and student policies which include information about student complaints and appeals are available at students.shu.ac.uk/rightsrules/regs.
For appeals against admissions decisions and complaints about the University's admissions process.
Staff grievances are managed through the Problem Resolution Framework. For information on the framework, please contact the Information Governance team by email at dpo@shu.ac.uk.
Principles of integrity in research and procedures for dealing with allegations of research misconduct are available here.
Please find information about complaints to the University's security service.
The Facilities Directorate deal with complaints, comments and compliments relating to estates, facilities management, student accommodation, catering, conference facilities, print services, security services, Sheffield Hallam Active and sustainability issues.
A Facilities Directorate complaints, comments and compliments card can be downloaded. Please see the facilities section of our website for more information.
Complaints for childcare services can be made here.
Further contact details for the University, listing each type of enquiry, specific services, colleges, and directorates are available in the Contact us section of our website.
Records management and personal data policies
The following policies and guidelines are available:
- Information Governance Policy
- Student personal data code
- HESA student collection notice
- Use of personal data by students: your responsibilities
- Data Protection: Individual rights and subject access
- Monitoring policy
- Student Services Confidentiality policy
- Policy on student names
- Freedom of speech on campus
- Criminal Records Bureau: Policy statement on the secure storage, handling, use, retention and disposal of CRB disclosures and disclosure information
- Intellectual property policy
- Guidelines for providing references for students
In addition, the Staff Personal Data Code, Records Management Policy and Records Retention Schedule are available from the Information Governance Team by email at dpo@shu.ac.uk
SHURA (Sheffield Hallam University Research Archive) is an open access repository containing scholarly outputs and publications of researchers at Sheffield Hallam University. SHURA policies are available here.
The University's Records Retention Schedule includes information about the types of records held and their location as well as the retention periods. The Record's Retention Schedule will be replaced by an Information Asset Register.
A copy of the Schedule is available from the Information Governance Team by email at dpo@shu.ac.uk
Research policy and strategy
Publicly funded research outputs and data
SHURA (Sheffield Hallam University Research Archive) is an open access repository containing scholarly outputs and publications of researchers at Sheffield Hallam University. More information is available at https://shura.shu.ac.uk. Alternatively, email shura@shu.ac.uk.
Charging regimes and policies
The University does not charge for any of the items in this Publication Scheme. The University tries not to charge for items sent in response to written requests for information made under the Freedom of Information Act, but reserves the right to charge and operates with the Fees Regulations. Further guidance about FOI fees is also available from the Information Commissioner's Office.
Sheffield Hallam University is not responsible for the content of external websites