Non-Medical Prescribing (V300) - Level 6

Non-Medical Prescribing (V300) - Level 6

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Prior to completing an application form, please complete the Prepare to Prescribe Toolkit in order to ensure that you are in a suitable position in order to undertake the course.

This module will help improve patients' access to medicines and in so doing will help to reduce waiting times and delays. This should lead to greater service efficiency and a better patient experience.

This module is also available at Level 7.  Please note Aesthetic Practitioners (including professionals wishing to prescribe botox etc.) and HCPC registrants must study this module at Level 7. Paramedic applicants must be working in an Advanced Practice role.

Who the module is aimed at 

Nurses, Midwives, Physiotherapists, Podiatrists, Chiropodists, Dieticians, Therapeutic Radiographers, Diagnostic Radiographers and Paramedics working in advanced practice roles.

Benefits of taking the modules to the individual, the organisation and the patient

The benefits to the student of completing this module are that will allow them to use their skills, knowledge and experience to their full extent for the benefit of patients. Non-medical prescribing is a key qualification needed for anyone wanting to become an advanced practitioner or operate in an advanced practice role. The benefits to patients are improved access to medications, reducing treatment delays and improving the patient experience. For the organisation the benefits are reduced delays and more efficient services for patients.


What you learn 

This module aims to prepare practitioners as Independent and/or Supplementary Prescribers in accordance with appropriate Professional Regulatory Body (Nursing and Midwifery Council and Health and Care Professions Council) guidance.

General areas covered 

  • Consultation, decision-making, assessment and review
  • Influences on psychology of prescribing
  • Prescribing in a team context
  • Clinical pharmacology
  • Evidenced based practice
  • Legal, ethical, aspects of prescribing
  • Skills gained for the workplace, technical skills or academic skills e.g. reflective practice skills
  • Advanced assessment / consultation skills
  • Prescribing skills
  • Critical analysis / synthesis
  • Reflective practice skills

Unique or interesting features

Interprofessional education and service user involvement.

Professional recognition

This module can qualify nurses and midwives to register with the Nursing and Midwifery Council as Independent and Supplementary Prescribers. Chiropodists, Optometrists, Paramedics, Podiatrists, Physiotherapists and Therapeutic Radiographers can qualify and register with the HCPC as Independent and Supplementary prescribers. Diagnostic Radiographers and Dietitians who complete the module qualify as Supplementary Prescribers only.


Please make sure you complete the supplementary NMP forms below and return with your application.

Self-employed and non-NHS applicants must evidence that the practice area where they will be undertaking their supervised practice time complies with the requirements outlined in the SHU placement learning audit. This is evidenced on the Placement Audit Checklist (i.e. the practice area must either be registered to supervise pre-registration healthcare students or must already be audited by a suitable professional body i.e. CQC etc.)’, otherwise we will be unable to accept the student on the NMP course.


Fees and Funding for 2024/25

Indicative price for stand-alone module

Home student: £3,085

EU / International students: £3,645


This module attracts Workforce Development / Workforce Transformation funding WDF/WTF. 


How to apply

To apply please complete and return the application form below: 

NMP Application form (PDF, 1.4MB)  


  • Entry requirements

    All entrants to the module must meet the following requirements:

    • be registered as an allied health professional with the Health and Care Professions Council


    • be a registered nurse (level 1) or a registered midwife with the NMC


    • Be professionally practising in, and have appropriate experience of, an environment where there is an identified need for the individual to regularly use independent, and/or supplementary prescribing. The year preceding application to the module must have been in the clinical area in which you intend to prescribe (e.g. mental health, neonates)


    • Should have written endorsement, normally from their employing and/or sponsoring organisation, that they have identified an area of clinical practice and need in which to develop their prescribing skills, including confirmation that the entrant will have appropriate supervised practice in the clinical area in which they are expected to prescribe


    Have a Designated Prescribing Practitioner, recognised as having

    • a) training and experience appropriate to their role,
    • b) training and experience in the supervision, support and assessment of trainees

    and who has agreed to:

    • a) Provide the student with supervision, support and shadowing opportunities, and is familiar with the requirements of the module and the need to achieve the learning outcomes
    • b) Support and assess the student during their clinical placement

    In addition, DPP's are required to complete the NMP Placement Audit form (see supplementary NMP application forms), prior to the student commencing the module. This ensures the quality of the placement learning environment, assists in enabling DPP's and students to maximise learning opportunities, ensures consistency of learning across the student cohort and is a vehicle for addressing areas for development between DPP's and the module team.

    Prior to selecting a colleague to act as a DPP, please view the RPS DPP competency framework


    Nurses and Allied Health professionals

    • Should have at least 1 year post-registration relevant experience

    In addition students should be able to provide evidence of continuing professional development.

    (The above must be evidenced in the applicants application form)

    Level 6: Previous Diploma Level Study (Level 5) 

    International students must have reliable internet access and supply IELTS scores.

  • Attendance

    Delivery Method:

    Blended Learning this module will involve a limited number of face-to-face study days supported by online distance learning activities

    View our statement on notional study hours »

    Provisional timetable

     25/26 schedules will soon be available 

    Please note if you don't select a preferred delivery date as part of your application you will be allocated a day based on availability. Please note we may not be able to accommodate all requests. 



    View our statement on timetable changes »

  • Assessment

    Module assessment is made up of one or more assessment tasks. The assessment task(s) for this module are:

    • Audio-Visual Online Presentation
    • 2 Part Exam: A) Numeracy B) Pharmacology
    • Practice Assessment Document

    Successful completion of this module will earn you 40 level 6 credits

Further details

For further information please contact

Cancel event

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