Outputs and data

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Outputs and data

Sheffield Hallam University maintains open access archives for both research outputs and research data.

In the Sheffield Hallam University Research Archive (SHURA) you can browse publications by our researchers, including peer-reviewed articles, books, book chapters, conference papers and artefacts. SHURA also contains electronic versions of doctoral theses.

The Sheffield Hallam Research Data Archive (SHURDA) is a catalogue of datasets produced by our researchers, including digital as well as non-digital research data.

Committed to open access

Sheffield Hallam University has an open access publication policy that aims to maximise the visibility of the University's research to a global audience.

Similarly, the University's data management policy reflects a commitment to the preservation, management and sharing of research data. We believe this is a key component of good research practice, and that it contributes to a culture of research excellence.

In particular, we believe that research data that are acquired with public funding should be made openly available with as few restrictions as possible.

Guidance for researchers

Depositing your research

You should deposit your research through Elements, the University's publication management system. Elements contains a list of all your research outputs and will pass them on to other systems, including SHURA. 

The Library Research Support team's Elements guide can help you to get started on the system.

Library Research Support guides

The Library Research Support team maintain a number of online guides that you may find useful.

Get in touch

Find key contacts for enquiries about funding, partnerships, collaborations and doctoral degrees.